Sunday, August 17, 2008

Twilight Debate Anyone???

I devoured all four of the Twilight books in a little under a week. Although the lead female character is a little too self-depracating for my usual taste, I still loved the chemistry and the language of these novels by Meyer. The dialogue is fantastic. If you read these books for any reason, it should be the witty, flirty banter between Bella and Edward. It draws you in, grabs you by the lapel and will not let go. I have stayed up until the wee hours of the morning far too many times just to finish a chapter. I kept telling myself "Just one more chapter" and I would do that until three am. Curiosity gets the better of me every time.
However, after completing the final and fourth book a couple of weeks ago, I am a little unsure how I feel about the last few pages of this love story. I promise not to spoil it for everyone if you haven't read them yet, but I would really like to hear how other readers feel about the conclusion. I am also eagerly awaiting the film adaptation of the first book, and any opinions on the actors/actresses are totally welcome.
Warning: The second book is kind of depressing -still good, but depressing- so I don't suggest you read this volume until you are in the mood for a heart wrenching read. The reader is constantly dragged through the muck along with the narrator and Meyer is very vivid in her descriptions of a broken heart.
It is not your typical Vampire story. The writing is quite mature for a teen/adolescent series, as is the subject matter. It's a plain out-and-out love story. Now, I am not normally into super duper romance but I guarantee that this series will melt even the most cynical heart. If it doesn't, you will at least be thoroughly entertained by the sexual tension and imaginative plot line that Meyer creates so well.

1 comment:

nollyposh said...

Thanks for dropping by my bloggy happygirl X:-) and for the book tips X:-) (Ps) loved your entry on 'the authentic self', Thanks X:-)