Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Host

A secondary note to my previous post: Stephenie Meyer has also written an adult fiction novel called The Host, a science fiction romance novel. (I promise, it's not your typical romance novel at all. Meyer has got the market cornered on innovative love stories that don't feel cliched.) Opinions about this novel are also welcome. I am really curious to see what people think about this story, to see if you think that this narrative had as much fire and intensity as the Twilight series. Science fiction is new territory for me, so I don't have much to compare it to, but it was really imaginative without feeling over the top. At times, the plot felt a little unnecessarily convoluted but, that aside, Meyer's treatment of internal dialogue is quite genius. Brilliant, actually. Sometimes, she would use a combination of phrases or words that would just blow my mind with its emotional accuracy. She is able to articulate complex psychological situations with incredible ease. Despite that, it did feel a little predictable, but it didn't feel like a big problem in the overall scheme of the story. The reader is just happy that the characters have made a journey that feels significantly relevant to modern life, and completely worth it, despite the incredible misery it inspires throughout the novel.


sMacThoughts said...

I am not familiar with these books or this author, but it is intriguing...
I am also stricken with the tragedy of how modern life makes it so difficult to find time to read! It normally takes me so long to finish a book, and I really do love reading!

happygirl? said...

I know what you mean. Work, although it is meant to help us expand our horizons and provide a financial backdrop for all our creative ideas, usually saps our time and energy, which makes it a little difficult for simple pleasures such as reading.
Thank goodness for summer vacations!