Saturday, August 23, 2008

'Tude Like Tori

Tori is my inspiration. Whenever I write, I listen to her stuff. Her attitude and vibe is totally infectious and makes me want to be a better writer and artist. Each song packs a political, social, or cultural punch that draws me in with such captivating yet bizarre language. I love hearing new phrases, new ways of conveying a feeling or a situation. When a writer/artist can use words in an entirely new and crazy way to describe the simplest or most complex perspectives, I am drawn to their bravery. Sometimes we are taught to colour in the lines, but that's what's so fun about Tori- she does everything with a playful nudge outside the usual box.

This song, Big Wheel, is on her latest album, American Doll Posse. The concept behind this album is incredibly potent. She has a certain flair for women's issues that I think is worth mentioning. There are five or so groupings of songs, meant to be sung by different "personalities", personalities modelled after famous goddesses. But she is also playing with the stereotypes of women in social constructs as well. Just check out the cover, and you'll see what I mean.

The woman's got guts. I think women should be fearless; not careless but fearless. We shouldn't worry so much about how we are perceived by others and pursue our passions with dignity, but with attitude. She isn't afraid to have an opinion; she isn't afraid to make a statement. I think sometimes women have been conditioned by their environment to think within certain parameters but we're beginning to wake up to the absurd presence of those lines and question them. Questioning ourselves, and the foundation of our sometimes traditional beliefs, but also questioning others.
One step at a time, right?

In this interview, she is very eloquent and gives us some insight into the process of songwriting. There is one story she reveals that is extremely sad, but she talks about some of the projects she is working on to productively encourage the necessary laws in a direction that will protect those who need them most.

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