Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's All Coming Back to Me Now

When I finished grad school, I felt empty. There was simply nothing left of myself to give. I had poured my brain into my degree and could not and did not feel creative in the least. I am finally starting to come around. I am writing again, something that used to be so easy. I am painting and mucking around with paper and colour again. It took forever for me to start reading without thinking I had to contextualize everything for a research paper. For once, in a long long time, I was reading something for my own pleasure. Even though it's slow, I am sitting in front of the computer and writing something for myself instead of yet another research paper or seminar proposal. I owe a thank you to Suzi Blu whose videos and blog inspired me to throw myself back into the creative ring without so much self doubt. This music video, "I Love Myself Today" just kicks ass and sometimes we all need a little extra confidence on our Off-Days.


Connie said...

Good for you sista! Academia places so much focus on the mind that all those other muscles of ours start to weaken a bit--like the creativity muscle, the fun muscle, the silly thoughts muscle. You got to work them out a bit...they'll come back to you.

Funny thing, is that I went to Art School years ago. After I finished, I felt like I needed to forget most of what they taught me...or I would never create a thing.

School is wonderful. But in some ways can be a prison.

Peace & Love.

happygirl? said...


Pawsitive Art said...

Awwwww... Suzi is awesome!! I read her blog a lot. What you were talking about..not being able to do things just for you or just to be doing it without feeling like you were writing a proposal or getting something ready for a seminar.. thats why I didn't want to go to college for anything I enjoyed.. I was so scared it would ruin it for me. Now I question if art school would have ruined the way I look at things because I can compare my art to other artist and definitely tell I have a style of my own that was self taught..makes me wonder...