Friday, June 27, 2008

Sappiness Aside

Ethan Hawke was right. Or, at least, his charcter in Before Sunset and Before Sunrise was bang on right. Everytime we achieve a goal or significant ambition, it seems to agitate a sense of dissatisfaction in another part of our lives. How do we extract ourselves from this circular, and slightly masochistic, thinking pattern? Get rid of our stuff and live simply? I would prefer if that wasn't the case. Creativity, though, in all forms, is one of the best ways to live in the moment. I know, I know, all this stuff about the "power of now" on Oprah is a bit much but the core of the idea is what matters. Painting, drawing, writing, journaling, photography, and any other creative outlet I haven't mentioned are the perfect venues to self awareness in a way we would never reveal to others face to face. It is a roundabout but effective way to work out the static in our heads. So, these are my happy tricks. They are very scientifically unsophisticated but one of the easiest and most enjoyable forms of escapism.

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